We’ve been isolating since this first began so it’s coming up to the three month mark of the bare minimum of outside social contact. I’m an extrovert and someone who typically bounds out of bed ready to flit from one activity to the next and dressed for the day ahead without any stops or stopping to change. But why get dressed when no one can see you and why fix up when the world is falling apart? I started this ride by staying in my pj’s all day and eating a bag of cookies every two days (usually hiding in the pantry away from my 6 and 3 year olds).

Then about a month in I saw myself in the mirror and just said “this isn’t you”. So I started doing my make up and getting dressed and putting on my accessories as if I were going out... or at least having a visitor. I find it helps me have a fresh start to the day.
We have also added more and more routine to the day and (eventually) reduced the screen time. While I’m still not great at homeschooling, I show up and do the best I can.
Breaks are essential! The house may not be perfect everyday but when they kids are engaged in an activity I slip away and do what I can- make beds, load dishwasher, put a load in the wash, etc. Also, I spend about 5-10min on IG videos and about 5-10 min a day doing a shoot. That gives me my outlet so I still feel creative and like I’m doing something for me even though I can’t leave the house.
At night, my husband and I unwind with a bottle of wine from @bluelabelpizza’s Magic Box. Then in bed by 11 to do it all again. Things will eventually go back to normal but I want to have my kids remember this time as a time when we hung out, danced, laughed, and played a lot of My Little Pony’s not the time when mom was mean and stressed so choose happiness as often as I can.