Message of the day @terrianneleske :
I don’t really believe in perfect balance being achievable but over the years I’ve learnt that the imperfect juggle is life with 3 kids and I wouldn’t have it any other way, with my business Carrotsticks and Cravings and trying to keep myself sane too it’s always a juggle but I make sure we have fun along the way.

I believe that spending quality time with the family is most important and teaching them about healthy foods and treating our bodies well, our fondest memories as a family generally take place around the dining table.
I also believe that self love is very important a little bit everyday for me it’s fitting in my daily workouts of yoga, getting some fresh air, getting in the kitchen baking or enjoying my morning coffee in peace!

I’m a big believer that everything happens for a reason and that we should always be striving for bigger and better and when things get tough and hard to stop and take note on what the lesson can be learnt from it, dig deep and keep on keeping on.